First picture of the body. I love finish TS14 provides right out of airbrush. It's basically a mirror like, just without a silver. Coin is there the give some idea of it's reflection properties. It is a little harder to get such finish with TS14 compare to Alclad's black base, but TS14 does actually dry and is much more durable compare to Alclad's enamel paint.
Next is over all shot of other parts. Template'd CF decals are included in the kit and presumably should make my life easier, that is of course if they will actually stick. So, in theory I will not have to make my own templates for CF work. We'll see how well they work in practice soon. Kit provides decals for all parts, which supposed to be day glow red color on real car. While I would have preferred to paint that color myself, S27 for some reason did not provide separate logos for that. Instead logos are printed together with red color That means I have no choice except representing red with decals. I've decided to apply them over Mirrachome paint in hope that mirror background will enhance red color of decals, if decals aren't fully opaque. We'll see how it works out.
Parts are drying at present. Next will be masking and spraying of Mirrachrome paint. Another "moment of truth" in this build.
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