Saturday, January 25, 2014

More detail painting for F1-GTR

Another small update. Done quite a bit more detail painting. Bought 4 different shades of gold and metallic yellow. Yet not a single one looked like real colour or suspension arms. Used the closest one I had. Done some washes on engine elements. I've used Tamiya smoke over aluminium. Not sure what to use for a wash on gearbox. It's painted in steel colour. I guess I need some kind of diluted silver wash. No photos of body parts, because they are being prepared for white primer. While I like exhausts painted in stainless steel, they do not look realistic that way. Bought Alclad Exhaust Manifold paint and plan to use it in an attempt to get colour closer to original.

There is so much carbon fibre exposed on this car. I'm still deliberating on how much effort I would want to put in it and what would be the minimum set of parts "carbonized" I could get away with.


  1. More painting, you are like a production line Sergey. I am curious will you prime for the Alclad Exhaust Manifold paint or will you go staright over the plastic as you can with Testors Metalisers?

    1. Exhausts are meal in this kit. I've primed them with etch primer, painted gloss black and then Alclad Stainless Steel. I will paint Alclad exhaust manifold right over SS.
