Saturday, June 22, 2019

3D printed model project started - Dark Blue car from 2018

This is a new project, I have started late last year. Got model ripped out of computer game. I have worked on it for quite a while to make it 3D printable. Plan is to get parts printed and build Dark Blue car from 2018. I like their test livery from that year. So, hope to get a unique model in the end.

Started by splitting parts and making them thicker in Blender. I am still in process of overcoming steep learning curve with 3D model building tools, but got enough understanding and skills to get through with parts for this model.

After I completed parts to my satisfaction and to fit Shapeways' minimal thickness requirements, I finally was able to get a quote from them on how much it will cost me to get all parts printed. I did not like prices I've got quoted. Too much money for 1/20 model. Played with layout of the parts following their recommendations on how to lower print cost with no effect. Either their recommendations are outdated and their new pricing formulas don't care about parts layout any more. Or I don't understand how to use their recommendations.

So, I started to look for alternatives. Apparently modern desktop SLA/DLP 3D printers with around 50 micron XY and down to 20 micron Z axis resolution are coming to under $500 price range now. I've got test print done by another f1m member for me and it looks like I should be able to print parts I have developed on a customer grade desktop printer. It is starting to make more sense to invest into my own SLA/DLP printer, then give almost same amount of money to Shapeways.

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